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International Congress on Porphyrins and Porphyrias

International Congress on Porphyrins and Porphyrias

Data: 2019-09-08 - 2019-09-11

Luogo: Università di Milano  |  Città: Milano, Italia

Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,

It is a true pleasure to invite you to the International Congress on Porphyrins and Porphyrias 2019 in Milan. The Congress will take place at the University of Milan from 8th to 11th September 2019.

Milan is a seething metropolis in the heart of Europe, the home of fashion, industry and design, old and modern art collections, unparalleled shopping and one of Europe’s biggest trade fair centers. There is no better place to discuss exciting  topics on Porphyrias and learn about recent progress in a pleasant environment.  Sunday September 8th  will be the “Patient Day” organized by the patient’s associations, offering the opportunity for patients/physicians interaction and patients empowerment. An opening lecture on Sunday evening will open the scientific program followed by a welcome reception at the magnificent cloister of the University.

The official program will start on Monday with some basic science on fundamentals on Heme, Iron and Heme regulation, moving to acute and chronic Porphyrias including the novelties in term of pathophysiology and treatment.

We would like to stimulate the interest of  young physicians and scientists in this fascinating area opening to oral and poster presentations.

A survey on “how to define acute attack of Porphyrias” will be conducted during the meeting and the results will be discussed in a round table on Wednesday hoping to reach a shared consensus. The therapeutic development in the field of Porphyrias are definitely opening a new era for researchers and clinicians thus we hope that the meeting in Milan in 2019 will bring an incredible new breath into the theme ”from bench to care”.

We look forward to welcoming you to Milan for the most exciting event in the Porphyrias world.


Maria Domenica Cappellini
Honorary President

Paolo Ventura
President of the Congress



Maria Domenica Cappellini – Honorary President
Paolo Ventura – President of the Congress


Valentina Brancaleoni
Elena Di Pierro
Francesca Granata 
Giovanna Graziadei
Claudio Carmine Guida
Annelisa Macrì
Annamaria Nicolli
Emilio Rocchi
Maria Teresa Rossi
Raffaella Sala


Aasne Arsand, Norway
Karl Anderson, USA
Mike Badminton, UK
Felix De Rooij, The Netherlands
Robert Desnick, USA
Jorge Frank, Germany
Laurent Gouya, France
Janneke Langendonk, The Netherlands
Raili Kauppinen, Finland
Pavel Martasek, Czeck Republic
Peter Meissner, South Africa
Elisabeth Minder, Switzerland
John Philips, USA
Hervè Puy, France
David Rees, UK
Sverre Sandberg, Norway
Eliane Sardh, Sweden
Jordi To-Figueiras, Spain 

Organizing Secretariat




Via G. Ripamonti, 129 – 20141 Milan (Italy)

Ph. +39 02 56601206 – Fax +39 02 70048578

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Altre date

  • Da 2019-09-08 a 2019-09-11

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